Wednesday, 7 August 2013

[[ TED Talks ]]

I first heard about Ted in my final year of university. My Web Design lecturer used to have really interesting lectures that would often incorporate thought provoking elements that would have me listening intently and not falling asleep at the back of class like in most of my other lectures bar documentary.

Now I must admit that I haven't watched that much of the content, but what I have watched has been profoundly interesting. TED is exactly the kind of thing that we need to be consuming on a large scale basis. Particularly the generation who have known nothing other than the internet. Anyway, my point is that it's an invaluable resource of knowledge and motivation.

I really enjoyed these two talks from Beardyman & Kate Stone.

Can't see Beardyman or Kate Stone's talks?

I have seen a few posters up around Berlin for a conference in September, so I think i'll keep up with the intellectual streak I'm feeling lately. :P Can't wait to hear who'll be speaking at it.

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