Tuesday, 9 July 2013

[[ Sounds of a Tribe ]]

So tomorrow is a very exciting day for myself and my friend and former classmate, Daniel Coogan. Our short documentary, 'Sounds of a Tribe' is premiering at the Galway Film Fleadh, in the Way Out West Section. If you so happen to be at a loss for something to do then present yourself at the Town Hall Theatre at 10am and pop in for a look. There's plenty of other docs being shown, including one from another classmate of ours, Kieran McHugh.

A little about the piece I suppose. The idea was born in December/January of 2011/2012, we were all coming up with ideas for our last projects of our degree in Documentary. Since first year I had always known I wanted to do something that featured electronic music but it wasn't until third year when it all came together, as by then I had discovered Galway's 'secret' nightlife and met plenty of people who I could speak about it with. Originally I had planned to interview a great deal more of Galway's DJs and promoters, but when it came to the interviews themselves it felt right to just have Graham Dolan (Shack Up / Brooklyn Zoo), Cían O Cíobhain (110th Street / An Taobh Tuathail) and Cyril Briskoe (110th Street) speaking about Galway's formative years and where she is today as well as what they expect of her in years to come.
Initially Daniel Coogan came on board as cinematographer, we filmed and then I went home and edited it, and it was submitted to college. After a couple of months Daniel expressed an interest in breathing life into the piece again so we began to work on it once more, with Daniel going out and filming some extra material, and with me going and retrieving some old archive footage as well as more images and posters etc. The piece that is debuting tomorrow is what I believe is the best version of itself. I am really proud of all the work Daniel has put into it even with my absence from Galway, and I am also proud that the idea that born in my old college A4 pad last year is now being shown tomorrow on a screen bigger than my laptop!

I can't wait to show it off online. With any luck it shouldn't be much longer before that happens, as it has to be screened at the festival first. Once it is good to go, I will be sharing it here. :)

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